Geriatric dentistry is the delivery of Pathak Dental Clinic to older adults involving diagnosis, prevention, management and treatment of problems associated with age related diseases. The mouth is referred to as a mirror of overall health, reinforcing that oral health is an integral part of general health. In the elderly population poor oral health has been considered a risk factor for general health problems. Older adults are more susceptible to oral conditions or diseases due to an increase in chronic conditions and physical/mental disabilities. Thus, the elderly form a distinct group in terms of provision of care.

A number of physiological changes happen to the geriatric population with age. The gastrointestinal, renal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and immune systems often decrease in efficiency, and this impacts upon the entire body, including oral health. Along with physiological changes, physical ones involve reduced bone and muscle mass. Mobility can be decreased due to osteoarthritis and a variety of audio and visual changes such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and hearing loss can make communication, patient education and oral health care increasingly difficult to maintain.

Elderly people who are functionally dependent and residing in residential care facilities are particularly vulnerable to oral health issues such as periodontal disease, dental caries, particularly root caries, and other oral health issues. Oral health requirements are often unfortunately overshadowed by more important things such as feeding, toileting, and bathing. 

Edentulism is the result of a mostly preventable oral disease process that is a worldwide public health concern. The loss of permanent dentition is a multi-factorial process resulting from the impact of dental caries, periodontal disease, and social factors. People who have lost teeth are referred to as (either partially or completely) edentulous (edentate), however, those who have not lost teeth are referred to as dentate. Replacing a missing tooth helps in Aesthetics, Improved function, Mastication, Speech, Prevention of food packing and mucosal trauma, Space maintenance, Alveolar bone maintenance, Reestablishment of occlusion and prevention of malocclusion, Reduced load on remaining teeth.
People are now living longer and retaining their teeth for longer due to the preventive-focused approach to dentistry.
Although the rates of edentulism are rapidly declining, this is resulting in the number of natural teeth retained in the dentition.

Management of Geriatric Patients

Developing a routine with oral hygiene care at the same time every day with the patients input as to when is most convenient, Undertaking oral care in a quiet distraction-free environment, Use of short, simple sentences and directions, Use of task-breakdown and one-step instructions placement of a step by step poster illustrating each step, Use of non verbal cues e.g. facial expressions, hand gestures, body language (reassuring patient), Gentle touch to promote trust, Using reminders and prompts for oral hygiene care, Use of dementia communication techniques such as chaining, bridging, and rescuing applied to oral hygiene practices.

New Life Begins With A Confident Smile

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